Events Calendar

Wakefield SEND Employment Forum - Launch Event

21 June 2023 — 10:00am to 2:00pm

Venue: The Education Exchange, Knottingley WF11 0EP

The employer engagement event will provide an opportunity for employers to feel connected, champion diversity and effectively recruit SEND young people by engaging with a wide range of services that aim to support and implement positive changes in the working environment. We recognise that not all employers can provide the same levels of commitment to or involvement in a particular program or initiative, but that any employer can be engaged in one or more activities if the experience is designed and supported with employer capacity in mind. Employer engagement is not just one person in the organisation’s job, as it takes a concerted effort of staff and partners across the entire organisation or initiative.

The day will include information on pre internship programmes, supported internships, apprenticeships, volunteering and work experience/placements as well as guidance for employers on how to successfully support SEND young people wishing to pursue routes into employment, including fact sheets and tools to support each experience.

Further workshop details and information will be sent to those who book on prior to the event.

Any queries about this event, please feel free to email:

If you're interested and would like to register your plack click here.

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